Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's Thanksgiving and I'm thankful!

I'm thankful for so many things. I don't even know where to begin.
And I wouldn't know when to stop. So, I'll just leave it at that.
(Besides, I'm too full and tired!!!)
Happy Thanksgiving!


Cindi said...

ha, ha! I'm thankful that you're thankful... and that you posted. ;)

Beth said...

I'm thankful for good friends and blogs that keep us connected! We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

rebecca said...

It was fun hearing from you on our blog;) I'm going to add yours to my google reader right now so I can keep up with your family. Seems like your name came up at the LaP's:) I had forgotten that you were in CO & someone mentioned you were there.
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! ...& that you have fun celebrating the Christmas season with your sweet family.

Bingy's blog said...

Hi Kristy!
We'd love to get together over Christmas break, what are your plans? We could come down to your place or whatever you guys think.. look forward to seeing you all!