Thursday, September 11, 2008


7 years ago today was such a shocking day! I remember my mom calling me at about 7:30 in the morning and telling me to turn on the T.V. (I'm pretty sure she woke me up since I could still sleep in then...). I was glued to the television for the day and much of the next one. It was all so surreal! I remember calling a friend and saying, "They just got the Pentagon!" Wow!!! Jim was in Salt Lake City for a conference. That day's events ended up being cancelled. He thought it might be a good idea to show his co-workers some of the church sites, like the Family History Center, etc. All of those places closed early, too. Needless to say, he wasn't going to fly home the next day. They ended up driving back on Thursday in their rental car. I was certainly glad to have him back home! A friend of mine had her second child that day - a little boy. I can't even imagine that swing of emotions! It's still hard to believe that it all happened, but I'm thankful that a similar attack has not happened here since then.
On a happier note, today is my parent's 40th Wedding Anniversary. Here's a photo of them on their wedding day.

Here's a photo of their kids, kids' spouses and grandchildren. This was taken last December. Two of my brothers and their wives are currently expecting as well (the ones with the babies in the picture).

This is a picture of their grandkids with sweaters that my mom knit.

Happy Anniversary, Mom & Dad!!!


Meredith Haag said...

We lived right by Hill Air Force Base back then. And I had always heard people describe differnt situations as there being a "deafening silence". After the attacks on 9-11, I knew all too well that silence! The absence of the Jets over head...was eerie. When I would take the kids out side.... we just sat there frozen...wishing that those Jets would fly again so that we could feel a little more normal.
As time went on and the day came that the jets would be able to fly again, I remember rushing outside to see it!!! My family and I all called each other and cried because of the amount of pride we had in our country! And it felt good to have something to celebrate!
before 9-11, we hated the jets. We thought they were so annoying, and since that time, I love their sound! It means there is life in the "heart land"!

Cindi said...

I did the same as you on 9/11... sat glued to the television. It was so surreal!

On a happier note (oh wait, that's the same thing you said... oh well), congrats to your parents! I can't believe how much your young father and Kyle look alike!! :D

4HessGirls said...

You look a lot like your mom. What a great family picture and I love how your mom did sweaters for all the grandkids and thats what they wore in the picture. I love these group family pictures. I hope I can do that with my family one of these days.

Bethany said...

You have a great family! Darling sweaters.

Karen said...

Do you think if I paid your mother a desirable sum...she would make one of those cutest ever sweaters for Eli?!

klap said...

jim & Kristy!!! I finally find YOUR page! I see all these comments on the lapierre blogs and here I am finally at yours! YAY! always good to hear from friends from home!

Swoopref said...


Everyone remembers where they were...

I went to 5 or 6 of the funerals for the firefighters lost at Ground Zero, one of w3hich was held in Boston. The one furthest away was in Statin Island. I left my house and took in the following order: bus, subway, train, subway, ferry, bus. I made it just barely on time.

smith fam said...

So I JUST found your new blog...all this time I was wondering why you never posted since I kept checking your old blog! Glad to find you guys!

Cindi said...

Ok, so it's been FIVE weeks since your last post. I'm thinking it's time to post again... make something up if you have to. lol ;)