Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A little catch-up

My last post was a little lame - sorry! Here - I'll make up for it with pictures (because I'm lame and haven't already posted these)...

Here's the kids' halloween costumes -

Spiderman, Astronaut, Ninja and Whoopie Cushion -
complete with sound effects

(courtesy of a fart machine - not the kid himself...)

During Fall Break, we went to the Cheyenne Mtn. Zoo and the kids fed the giraffes - what a tongue!

and fed the parakeets.

The first pictures of these next 2 sets are from 2002 with some friends.
The kids, and the tress, have definitely grown!


Cindi said...

Just can't imagine ever having the need to use the words "fart-machine" in my blog. lol

Did I send you the pictures I took of you guys on the skyride? I couldn't remember...

Karen said...

I can't believe you wouldn't let your kid walk around farting all day. Come on Kristy!

Jen said...

cute kids--cute pictures

Cheeky Kitchen said...

Okay. The astronaut and whoopie cushion in the same frame are cracking me up. Thanks so much for sharing! And...thanks for whapping up the info to my video. You. are. a. dear!


Hey...yes it was Seth and Amanda that had a baby girl yesterday. She is absolutely beautiful! They live in the same ward and are in a townhouse over in that area. email me sometime...or call. Andrea should have the information or can get it from her parents. Dani